Monday, February 07, 2011

Ohhh SHINY thing...


I watched a show last night on PBS called A.D.D. and Loving it! I can't decide what to do with the information. This tv show, in an hour and a half summed up most of my life.

My whole life I have struggled with the effects of being ADD. I have tried to make excuses, I have tried to 'be quiet'. I remember my grandfather offering me $5 if I could sit still for 5 minutes. I couldn't.  All I know is that I laid on the couch last night, watching the video thinking... 'oh wow'. It was like a check list for my life. Is it a failure to have ADD? I mean, I know my whole life I have often been told if I'd just listen more, if I didn't talk so much, if I was quieter, if I could JUST organize my office/desk/life I could be so much more productive, if I just stopped fidgeting, if I didn't ask so many questions, if I could just quiet my brain down a little I could think better, if I could just focus more I could do SO much better on my tests/quizzes/studies, if I could only finish the things I started I'd be so much more successful...

The list? Goes on and on. My favorite though is the struggle I've had with my creativity. I have lived with people who get upset when I dream about possible futures. No, seriously, they would get really upset! Just because I dream something doesn't mean I have to make it happen. I LIKE to dream about things. I like to share those dreams and play with them. Does that mean I HAVE to make them happen? NO. And the person would get upset with me that I shared my dream and would consider me a failure because I never DID anything about it. Then? I'd feel like I was a failure. And all those joyful hours of fantasy and dreaming? Suddenly seemed shameful and 'unproductive' instead of affirming and happy. I loved all those hours of dreaming about owning land on Orcas Island or opening a soup shop. But just because I never did those things, doesn't make me a failure. It makes me a dreamer. That dreaming has led to my creativity. It is what makes my stories shine and my world livable. I like being a dreamer. I don't want to feel bad about it anymore...

Does our society have room for dreamers in this day and age? And is taking meds to help me focus and not spend so much time dreaming a good idea? I mean, it might make me more productive, but what about my writing? What about my dreaming? I have long railed against taking 'meds' to 'fix' people with ADD, but I wonder now if meds help a student/an adult be successful in an environment that isn't likely to adapt to the person. Is that really such a bad thing? I don't know. All these ideas are swirling around in my head. Like the ADD person that I am, I can't pick just one and focus on it...

Even as I realize I'm struggling with these questions today, I also realize I have struggled with them my entire life. I am trying to navigate understanding how my mind works and its creativity while balancing that notion with the reality that being more focused would make it easier to figure out my finances."Creative" financing? Has not been really productive in my world. ;).

So what is the next step? I'm not sure. I know I need to do more research about the topic. I know that perhaps I should go get 'tested' for it, but what I do with that information? I don't know. I know that the healthy thing to do is to not ignore the situation any longer, but look at it as a part of who I am and go from there.




Jeanie said...

I would never want to put you in a little box. MK. No labels, no judgments. Just pure dreamer. You have a big and beautiful personality. And much that wants to be shared. Please don't numb yourself on ADD drugs. I like you just the way you are

MaryKate said...

Thanks Jeanie. I <3 you... so glad you are part of my life. I don't know that I would take meds... I just know that understanding is half the battle... it's not an 'excuse' for some of my issues, but it *does* explain a lot about my history and my life. It makes me realize that I am 'okay' and that some of the things people have said about me *aren't* a flaw in me... but what makes me, me. :) <3

missmouse44906 said...

Medication doesn't always mean numbing out. I do believe that medication can create opportunity for us who suffer from ADD. It can be debilitating and frustrating for me and the consequences of my behavior for my friends. I struggle with time management and with hyperfocus. If I could take Adderall without the side effects I would! ADD is not just about how it affects me but also the people that I love...

MaryKate said...

which is a valid point... i was talking to my boss the other day and she said (and she's sort of an 'expert' of sorts) that she didn't see in me many of the traits of ADD...what she said was that I have learned to navigate those ADD issues I might have. And I agree to a great extent... but I also know that I don't manage some elements of my life very well... I'm going to read the book "You Mean I'm not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?

I think it is a good place to start! Thanks for commenting! <3

Anonymous said...

BTW MaryKate, I bought the DVD --we should watch it again together!

MaryKate said...

Yay! I think my sis has it, too! We could have an "ADD" night and watch it together! :D Maybe not roller derby night... <3