Thursday, September 23, 2010

Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold...


It's cool in my life how easily people slip in and out of my world. I have people in my life that are *always* there and I rely on them just like they rely on me. In general however, I try hard not to hold on to people too closely. This summer I was fortunate to reconnect with several people from my past that I care about deeply. Yet within ten minutes, even though over a decade (or more in some cases) had passed, it was like coming home.

I had this thought over the summer. I realized that each person I've met and loved, I've left a small piece of myself with - just as they've left a small piece of themselves with me. Seeing an old friend again is like reconnecting with a part of myself that has been on a journey with another. Getting to listen to where that part has gone, is delightful. It is renewing, affirming and such a treat to hear and see how people have grown, changed and still, in some key wonderful ways, stayed the same.

Then there are people that I know tangentially that with a simple invitation, go from 'acquaintance' to 'friend'. I had a friend over for dinner tonight. Before tonight? A great person I worked with. After tonight? A great friend I have connected with :). I like how life is fluid like that. How a simple invitation for dinner can deepen a connection. It was delightful and I felt like my life is more enriched just from sharing dinner.

I was remembering the people I knew from high school today while sitting at my desk. I was smiling and thinking about the people I have reconnected with both on facebook and over the summer. I realized I have my memories of high school (not so much so great) but by reconnecting to people I knew in high school, my small perceptions have widened and I've gained a more complete understanding of the struggles others were going through - just like I was. It's funny how often I still dream about people from high school. Old flames I loved, old friends I loved, others I really wanted to be, others I really wanted to just 'like' me let alone 'love' me (chuckle) and a few I admired from afar without ever telling. And I can look at that time in my life now and be much gentler with myself, with them and with the trials and tribulations of being in high school.

I don't even think I really knew what it meant to be a friend or have a friend until I got to college. Growing up I desperately wanted that 'one best friend' I could always rely on and trust. It took me a long time to find that friend, but I did and I love her and talk to her every single day, even though we live 2400 miles apart. I am also fortunate that the closest person to me in the world I have known for 41 years... she's a pretty amazing woman and without her I know I wouldn't be half the wise, spiritual, loving and compassionate person that I am. I have learned most of that from her. <3.

And with that thought, I am going to bed. I know friendship supports me and moves me forward in my life and for all the lives that have touched mine and for the few lives I've touched? I will say a little 'thank you' to you all before I go to bed tonight. You have made me who I am, and you know? I turned out pretty darned good - and so did you!



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