on the BGE (big green egg)
Start with a good bone in ribeye. Let it set out for an hour to warm up to room temperature. I used Dizzy Pig Cow Lick. I love this seasoning, but it is one of their only ones not to include sugar. I am not a sugar-on-my-meat fan, so this one is awesome! (I wish now I had used some olive oil before I put the seasoning on, it would have made more crispy edges, but it's good to know for next time!) Let the seasoning sit on the meat for at least an hour:
I lit the grill about 15 minutes before I was ready to grill the steak:
After about 10 minutes I closed the lid and let it start to really heat up
I let the grill get even hotter, then put the steak on
mmm already looking good! Closed the lid and let side A cook for 2 minutes. (I'll probably go 2min 30 seconds next time)
Oh yeah looking even better! Turn over to side B and grill (would do 2min 30 seconds next time). Then turn the ribeye back to side A at a 90 angle to create crossmarks on the meat. I closed the grill lid, closed the vent on the top and on the bottom and let the meat cook back on side A for another 2 minutes (again I'd add 30 more seconds next time for a true medium rare)
I removed the stead and covered it on the plate with aluminum foil to let the juices return to the meat. In the meantime, I threw some olive oil, onions and Dizzy Spice Cow Lick onto some aluminum foil and put it on the grill for the 10 minutes while the grill was 'cooling down' (I was reducing the heat so put on a pork should that will need to cook for about 20 hours)
All grilled up and no where to go... oh wait, yes there is!!!!! *lol*
and the final result!
It looks more medium than it was. It turned out to be pretty perfectly rare if you are a rare meat eater. The center was warmish and red/blue. Like I said, next time for my tastes I'll add 30 seconds each round and a little olive oil, but the steak was DELICIOUS and so were the mushrooms/onions!
This looks sooo yummy! Makes me wanna steak!
Yummo! as RR says!
You'll have to come visit me my sister in spirit!
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