Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hold On!!!!

no number since I am taking a break. <3

So, many of you know I do Nanowrimo in November. In the month of November I am set to write 50,000 words and 'complete' a novel. Every year that I have attempted this I have finished. It's been close, but I have done it. This year? I am having a very difficult time getting my story going. I read an entire book last night. The third in the 'Hunger Games" series. It was absolutely fantastic.

I realized something important, however. I am finding it very difficult to blog and write creatively. I put so much effort into my blog (it pretty much takes me several hours to write) I have almost nothing left over for my creative writing.

I've decided at this point to take a break from my blog. I'm at 60 entries tonight. (yay!) I am not 'stopping' my blog writing, but for the next 40 days, I am going to be working every night on my 'novel'. Right now, I really need to be putting together my plot ideas and central story...

Writing is a healthy element of my life. I will likely have a blog here and there... don't give up on me! :) Just know that every night is not going to happen. I really need to spend some time working on my nanonovel!

:) Peace everyone and see you December 1st for certain!


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